Sunday, November 16, 2008

One wild night....with a dental assistant


Another good one.

Ben was having a sore tooth because his tooth chipped and so each time he ate, it hit a nerve.
Well, we decided to go to karaoke that night, and I brought a "filling repair kit" in hopes of easing some of his pain.

So, we went to karaoke, and got back to his house...the bar was so smoke filled that my voice was shot when we got back.
So, let's set up the scene for you...
Ben and I are in his bathroom, and I just got done numbing his mouth with oragel.
I'm sitting on his lap, after just getting done putting the filling repair kit on his tooth, quite literally blowing in his mouth to dry it off.
So, I'm on his lap, and the light in his bathroom is a black light.
Now, earlier that evening, he was at a friend's house, and one of the gals there was pregnant, and sprayed breast milk on his pants, and suprisingly, breast milk looks like something else in a black light.

After numbing his mouth, Ben was a drooling mess, and so I kept blotting his mouth with paper towels, and (though it's not too important to the story) I brought over some heating lotion for his feet because they were cracked.

So, his roommate walked in the bathroom at 2 something in the morning to see this.

Me sitting on Ben's lap blowing in his mouth, which from his angle, since my back was to the door, it looked like we were making out.
Some weird splotches on his pants near the crotch area that looked....questionable.
Wadded up paper towels all over the counter, lotion on the counter....yeah, it looked bad.

So, when we tried to explain it was even better because Ben's speech was all slurred, due to his mouth being numb, and my voice was all raspy from being in the bar, so Spencer, his roommate accused us both of being drunk and demanded on knowing what was going on.

Needless to say, it was awkward....but OH SO FUNNY!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Bad Case of The Sillies

Yeah, my cheeks are killing me
Oh, the telescope, I laugh so hard I cry
And when I'm with you
I never notice how the time flies

Making funny voices
Tripping over your feet
Napoleon and Teen Girl Squad
Yeah, my cheeks are still killing me

Spanking the air and Mayberry
Every word, smile, dance and song
I cherish all of them
And want to bop with you all night long

Phone calls that always cut out
Being pulled over by cops
Early morning talks about dreams and goals
And wondering why Bubba shot the jukebox

Spinning across the floor
The robot and untied shoes
Accidental innapropriate gropage
I smile for hours at the thought of you

The Lumberjack and beatboxing
I giggle at the simplicity and nonsense
I never know what to expect,
So exciting and full of suspense

And even though, we can be serious
It's mainly the silly things
You bring out the best in me, I can be myself
And handsome, you tug at my heartstrings

Best friends don't come like this anymore,
Oh, If only you could see
How much I love and adore you,
And what a bad case of the sillies you have given me.

And my cheeks are still killing me...

Was I speeding officer?


I should title this entry, "Irony At It's Best"...because, well, you'll see.

So, Wednesday night I went and sang karaoke with Ben. It's a weekly ritual for us, and we always have a blast, so, we drank our Shirley temples, and sang goofy tunes like "The Lumberjack Song" and other great ditties.

Well, I did notice a cop in the bar earlier, but didn't think much of it because officers come in there frequently. Besides, he was mainly talking to Stacey, so I thought it had something to do with her and Todd.

So, the night came to an end, and Ben and I started driving home. As I was driving Ben called me, and told me that he just got pulled over. I asked him what for, and he said he was speeding 10 over, and the officer asked why he was in a hurry, and Ben replied that he was tired and just wanted to get home. So the cop asked, "Where are you coming from this evening?"

Ben replied, "The Creekside Lounge"

"Have you been drinking?"

Ben said "Not a drop"

and then told the officer that he just goes there to sing karaoke with a friend,
and that we don't drink.

So, the cop let Ben off, and said, "Okay, just slow down"....

So, Ben then tells me about how lucky he was to get let off and then...

"OH CRAP!" -Me

"What's wrong?" -Ben

"Ben, I'm getting pulled over, I'll call you back" -Me

I hung up on Ben when I saw the flashing lights. And thought to myself, What are the odds?

So, the cop comes up to me and asks for my license, registration and insurance. So, I handed him my license and then asked,
"Was I speeding?" (Which I highly doubted because I never speed)

"No, you were going 5 under"

(Yeah, so I was distracted and on the phone and wasn't paying attention to how fast, or how slow I was going)

His next question was
"Have you been drinking?"

So, I cheerfully answered,
"No officer, My friend Ben and I just go to sing karaoke, neither of us drink".

He then chuckled and said,
"Oh, so you sing the "Lumberjack" song totally sober?"

Yeah, it was the cop at the bar.

So, I replied with,
"Hey! What's the deal? You followed me out here? I swear I haven't been drinking"

Then there was a pause, and then he said,

"Wait, does your friend Ben drive the white car?"

Somewhat confused I answered "...Yeah..."

He then busted up laughing and told me that he just got done pulling him over.

"What type of cop am I? I pulled over the only two sober people from that bar, one for driving too fast, the other for driving too slow. I can't believe this, keep the registration and insurance, just go home and drive faster"

And then he walked off laughing and shaking his head.

So, I sat there and laughed for a minute or two because, well, that is just funny.

I then called Ben up, and told him, and we both busted up on the phone for sometime, and now, days later, I'm still laughing.

Ben's like, "Yeah, that's a story for the books" and he's right....
how often does a cop pull over the only 2 sober people in the town of Kuna, within 10 minutes and they are one the phone talking about how one just got pulled over...uh...never?

What a great man

Oh the joys of Google.
So, last night I couldn't sleep.....
Anyway, I got bored and started googling a bunch of my friend's names,
just to see what was on the internet about them...
it's a great way to see how big of nerds they are, or to learn new stuff about them, and this is what one of the stories I found about Ben.
I love it.

To: Mayor Coles From: James G. Dumont, Supt. of Recreation Services
Boise Parks & Recreation Date: August 17, 2001
Subject: Recognition of Employees for Saving Two Lives

This memorandum is to request the City Council recognize three individuals for saving the lives of two different youth of our community through their quick response and excellent use of judgement.
Incident at DeMeyer Playcamp - June 19 ,2001 -Employee's Elizabeth Anderson and Ben Gann
DeMeyer Park is a site where the department offers summer playcamp opportunities for youth from 6 years to 12 years of age. There were 47 youth registrered for that week of playcamp at DeMeyer Park. The other neighborhood boys were by the pond fishing and yelled to one of our playcamp staff, "Hey Lady a kid is hanging in the tree. Employee Elizabeth Anderson heard the remark and look towards the tree and saw a boy hanging in the tree. She immediately grabbed the cell phone and the emergency call list and gave it to Employee Ben Gann and told him to call
911. Approaching the child hinging in the tree she grabbed his legs trying to free him from the tree. An adult male came over to assist and had a knife and he was able to cut the nylon dog leash the child was hanging from. They lowered the boy to the ground and Miss Anderson immediately checked for breathing and a pulse, none to be found. Miss Anderson began administering C.P.R. with the help of Mr. Gann. When the fire department and ambulance arrived they took over C.P.R. A pulse and breathing started but the child still remained unconscious and was transported by ambulance to St. Al's. They 12 year old boy regained consciousness and was released from the hospital 4 days later.
Through the quick response and immediate application of C.P.R Miss Anderson and Mr. Gann saved the life of this child and should be recognized by the City of Boise for their efforts as employees of the City.
cc: James R. Hall, Director George Scott Suzanne Burton Ted Baird

As it turns out, the Mayor of Boise named a whole day for Ben. So August 17th I believe is "Benjamin Gann Day"...I might have to check on that's that, or like the 20th.
Cool huh?

Oh my Hannah...MONTANA!

So, I am so glad that Ben doesn't know that this blog exists yet, because he'd KILL me if he knew this video was up on the internet.

First off, that boy will do anything for me...even make a complete idiot out of himself.

So, we're driving down the streets of Utah, and stopped at a "Family Dollar" and bought a bunch of random stuff, including a Hannah Montana wig.

So, while he was driving I begged him to put on the wig and sing, well, he refused to sing, and said it in his "masculine" voice, so then I insisted that he could sing like a guy if he felt better about it, and he still protested, and then told me to quit laughing at him.

Well, after that he took the wig off, and maybe 5 minutes later we were commenting on road construction, and Ben made the comment, "Oh my Hannah!"

And his nephew who was in the backseat proudly added, "MONTANA!" Making fun of Ben's girly-ness earlier. The timing was perfect, I guess you had to be there, but the whole event was entertaining.

I Miss Mayberry

So, not necessarily one of the first memories, just one of my favorites. Here's us driving to Twin Falls, and singing "Mayberry" by Rascal Flatts, and doing the fun dance moves.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Second.

The next time I saw Ben wasn't until August of 2005. He was now home from his mission, and Leslie and I were getting ready to go out of town for "AcappellaStock" which was our new yearly routine. I met up at Leslie's house to find Ben asleep on the couch with Adam on top of him.
Leslie had a roommate Melanie that was going with us, and Ben is mainly Melanie's friend, who, through Melanie met Leslie...and Adam is Melanie's 1 and a half yr old son.
Honestly, it was the cutest thing seeing those two all tuckered out. I was so quiet, because I didn't want to wake them. Apparently, Ben didn't get any sleep that night and had to work late the night before, so I was told to try to be quiet.
It was a lot of fun watching them sleep...
both of them making fun sounds and tossing and turning.
Finally Ben yawned and turned over to see this crazy person, me, staring at him
...and mumbled out a "oh hi" as he rubbed his eyes and woke up.
He then went into roadtrip/packing/dad mode, and changed Adam's diaper, and
packed up the diaper bag, and got food from the fridge, and
somewhere in there tried to make himself presentable.
Unfortunately, since Leslie's car isn't so big, we had to take seperate cars,
and so Ben, Leslie, Melanie, and Adam were in one, and Erica and I were in the other.
But fortunately, I am smart, and actually brought some walkie talkies, so the trip to Utah was a lot more entertaining than originally planned. We played a lot of roadtrip games between the two cars. It was probably one of the more fun roadtrips I've been on.
We stayed at Ben's sister Bethany's house, and upon arriving there, I immediately fell in love with her and her kids. They were so kind and hospitible, and a lot of fun...also, we stopped at a gas station on the way down, or perhaps a Walmart, (I don't remember) and I bought a set of Hillbilly teeth. Which started the whole "Buckwheat Benny and The Lumberjack" saga.
I don't remember too much from that trip, but this is what I do remember. Taking a lot of goofy pictures with Ben and the hillbilly teeth, singing a lot of songs, and the night after the concert.
After the concert was over we went back to his sister's house, and started getting ready for bed. Ben was sleeping upstairs, and the girls were sleeping downstairs...
I changed into my pajamas, and went upstairs for a drink, and somehow started talking to Ben for a couple of hours. Both of us at that time were in relationships with other people who we cared about alot, but had a hard time seeing things working with them in the future. That night Ben told me his dreams, what he wants out of life, what he wants in a relationship, and shared his feelings on family, church, friends, everything...and I likewise.
When we were both yawning beyond control, and finally decided to sleep, we both decided that when we got back in town, we needed to call it off with our boy/girlfriend, because we both knew that we weren't going to be happy....
About 3:30 am I finally headed back downstairs to find Leslie, Erica, Melanie and Adam sound asleep. I climbed under the covers and passed out.
The next morning I woke up to someone stroking my hair, with their leg wrapped around me saying, "Good Morning Beautiful!" in the nerdiest voice ever.
Sure enough, that's how Ben wakes people up, well, atleast me.
Turns out I slept in later than everyone, and woke up to find that Ben made me breakfast, and even brought it to me, with a huge glass of orange juice, saying that Leslie informed him that that is a "must" for me in the morning.
I was quite suprised, I'm not used to people making me breakfast,
and catering to my every need...well, within reason.
We played a bunch of games on the way back as well...
and at the end of that trip I had decided that this Ben kid pretty much rocked my socks.

The first.

Ben and I have a knack for getting in and out of interesting situations, usually filled with tons of hilarious moments....
I remember Ben once told me that I should write all of our adventures down, because they are usually "Once in a lifetime" sort of things.
Hence the reason for this blog.
So, I guess the best place to start would be, how I met Ben.
September 12th, 2002
I was in Twin Falls for my friends, The Standards "Brand New Past" release concert. They had 2 of them, September 11th, and September 12th.
So, my friend Leslie, and some friends of hers were supposed to meet me in Twin, one of them was her friend Ben.
I got a call from Leslie saying they were running late, and so I went to meet them outside. When Leslie pulled up I saw this overly energetic fellow fly out of the car. He was wearing Leslie's promotional shirt, so, the first time I saw him he was wearing a women's navy blue polo shirt with "Leslie, Promotional Team" stitched on the front.
He came up to introduce himself, and it went something like this:
"Hi, my name is Ben, don't get confused because my name is actually Ben, and my shirt says my name is Leslie. I got off work really late and I didn't want to go to the concert smelling all bad and stinking, but I forgot to grab an extra shirt, before Leslie came to get me, so since I didn't have time to go home and change, I just looked in her car, and this was the only shirt, so I'm now wearing her shirt, which is weird because it's a girl's shirt, but it actually doesn't look too girly, so I figured it was okay, but yeah, my name is Ben, not to be confused with Leslie since that is what is says my name is."
I just stood there silent....and then finally said, "Hi, I'm Ginny"
And I thought my first impressions were bad!
(Actually, I thought the whole thing was hilarious)
And this would be the first moment with Ben.
The next wasn't until years later, because he left on his mission to Jamaica,
but the next one was equally entertaining.

Ben and Ginny's Playlist