Thursday, November 6, 2008

Was I speeding officer?


I should title this entry, "Irony At It's Best"...because, well, you'll see.

So, Wednesday night I went and sang karaoke with Ben. It's a weekly ritual for us, and we always have a blast, so, we drank our Shirley temples, and sang goofy tunes like "The Lumberjack Song" and other great ditties.

Well, I did notice a cop in the bar earlier, but didn't think much of it because officers come in there frequently. Besides, he was mainly talking to Stacey, so I thought it had something to do with her and Todd.

So, the night came to an end, and Ben and I started driving home. As I was driving Ben called me, and told me that he just got pulled over. I asked him what for, and he said he was speeding 10 over, and the officer asked why he was in a hurry, and Ben replied that he was tired and just wanted to get home. So the cop asked, "Where are you coming from this evening?"

Ben replied, "The Creekside Lounge"

"Have you been drinking?"

Ben said "Not a drop"

and then told the officer that he just goes there to sing karaoke with a friend,
and that we don't drink.

So, the cop let Ben off, and said, "Okay, just slow down"....

So, Ben then tells me about how lucky he was to get let off and then...

"OH CRAP!" -Me

"What's wrong?" -Ben

"Ben, I'm getting pulled over, I'll call you back" -Me

I hung up on Ben when I saw the flashing lights. And thought to myself, What are the odds?

So, the cop comes up to me and asks for my license, registration and insurance. So, I handed him my license and then asked,
"Was I speeding?" (Which I highly doubted because I never speed)

"No, you were going 5 under"

(Yeah, so I was distracted and on the phone and wasn't paying attention to how fast, or how slow I was going)

His next question was
"Have you been drinking?"

So, I cheerfully answered,
"No officer, My friend Ben and I just go to sing karaoke, neither of us drink".

He then chuckled and said,
"Oh, so you sing the "Lumberjack" song totally sober?"

Yeah, it was the cop at the bar.

So, I replied with,
"Hey! What's the deal? You followed me out here? I swear I haven't been drinking"

Then there was a pause, and then he said,

"Wait, does your friend Ben drive the white car?"

Somewhat confused I answered "...Yeah..."

He then busted up laughing and told me that he just got done pulling him over.

"What type of cop am I? I pulled over the only two sober people from that bar, one for driving too fast, the other for driving too slow. I can't believe this, keep the registration and insurance, just go home and drive faster"

And then he walked off laughing and shaking his head.

So, I sat there and laughed for a minute or two because, well, that is just funny.

I then called Ben up, and told him, and we both busted up on the phone for sometime, and now, days later, I'm still laughing.

Ben's like, "Yeah, that's a story for the books" and he's right....
how often does a cop pull over the only 2 sober people in the town of Kuna, within 10 minutes and they are one the phone talking about how one just got pulled over...uh...never?

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